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SVP Winter Newsletter


Please click below to read our January update from the Chair.

Dates for the Diary

• Sunday 5th February - SVP Workshop Resumes

All members aged 8 to 18 are welcome to join us 10:30am to 12:00pm in the village hall every Sunday. We will hopefully be running through until next panto rehearsals begin (likely September!). There’s no commitment to come every week, just come along when you’re able. At our first session back we’re hoping to share some exciting news with our young members!

• Friday 24th February - Next Monthly Quiz

Our quizmaster Lisa has taken a much earned break from quizmastering this January following the successful return of our quizzes in 2022, but she’ll be back with fun rounds, conundrums and prizes to be won on Friday 24th February and on the last Friday of each month after. Teams of up to six, £3 a head, doors open at 7:00pm to start at 7:30pm.

• Saturday 11th March - Studio Spring Clean

We will be holding a spring clean in the costume studio 9:30am to 4:00pm on this date. The plan is to focus on the non-costume sides of the room, clear out broken/unlikely to be used set pieces and props, tidy up the shelves at the back, and take stock of held paints, make-up etc. If we have enough helpers we would also like to recanvas some of the back flats and rolls for the stage, as they’ve been painted over quite a few times and are looking a little worse for wear!

• Sunday 12th March - And Then There Were None Auditions

Come along for auditions at this year’s adult summer production at 2:30pm in Shawbury Village Hall. A murder mystery by Agatha Christie and directed by Richard Bray.

• Wednesday 15th March - AGM

Our AGM this year will be held in the Village hall from 7:30pm, it would be wonderful to see as many members there as possible! More details as well as a request for agenda items will be circulated by the Secretary, Catherine, next month.

• Sunday 26th March - Annviersary at Camelot Auditions

Come along for auditions at this year’s Under 18's summer production at 10:30am in Shawbury Village Hall. A one-act play following the antics of three groups of knights on a quest to find the perfect anniversary gift for Arthur and Guinevere's first anniversary. Directed by Lucy Hearn & Leah Maddocks.

We will endeavour to send these updates regularly moving forward, but for more up to date information regarding the SVP Workshop, quizzes, auditions and shows, follow us on Facebook if you don’t already, where we post more regular updates on specific events.

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