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Chair's Newsletter - July 2024

Angela Bray

"What a Success!"

On Sunday I went to watch our Youth Group perform ‘Snow White’ and ‘Rapunzel’. Now we all think we know these traditional tales, but I was in for a surprise! The Youth Group had taken the original stories and added their own twist. Over the last weeks the group had developed their own version, discussing the plot and planning it in a more contemporary setting. The script was then written with rehearsals and improvisation building on their writing. I’m sure as the performance date came closer there would have been worries and nerves about blocking moves and learning lines but this was not revealed to the audience. 

But, what a success, I was captivated by the stories and the performers who entertained us. All the young people gave excellent performances and delivered their lines with confidence and enthusiasm. The plays were funny and made us laugh out loud. There were no pauses or hesitations, the production was professional and moved at pace. Reflecting on the plays and pantomimes in which these young people have been involved, this was in my mind the best we have seen them perform. Very often a play allows one person to stand out but in this production all the cast shone with equal brightness. 

My thanks and praise to all the young people involved, keep up this standard. To those adults who have been leading and empowering this group my thanks and those of Shawbury Village Players. 

An afternoon that parents and all in the audience thoroughly enjoyed. Well done. 

Richard Bray 

On behalf of the Chair of Shawbury Village Players

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