Another year passes in the Shawbury Players calendar and yesterday evening saw our 2024 Annual General Meeting. Thank you very much to all who attended and, for those who couldn’t make it, here is an update.
The new committee was elected as follows:
Chair Angela Bray
Vice Chair Catherine Church
Secretary Jo Humphreys
Treasurer Callum Jinks
Wardrobe Co-ordinator Chris Fraser
Tech Co-ordinator Callum Jinks
Safeguarding Lead Catherine Church
Communications & Publicity As yet vacancy
Committee Member Jenny Dunn
Committee Member Mark Gray
I would like to thank everyone who worked so hard on the committee last year, especially Jo, our retiring Chair. It was another successful year, with some excellent productions – “And Then There Were None” in the Summer and “Treasure Island” after Christmas. The committee’s job is to support our members and our productions – and I know our new committee will work as hard as last year’s to that end.
You will have noticed that the committee members are many of the same names as last year, but fulfilling different roles! We really would like some new blood to join us on the committee and there are vacancies in the areas of publicity and events management. Please consider joining us!
Here’s to another successful year for SVP and if you haven’t already done so, get your tickets for our next production – “A Murder is Announced” – 18th, 19th and 20th April in Shawbury Village Hall.
Best Wishes,
Angela Bray, Chair of Shawbury Village Players