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Thank You to All Involved in the Summer Production


Updated: Dec 11, 2022

Dear All,

I write to thank all of you who were involved with our Summer Production of ‘The Merry Wives of Windsor’. Each year when we undertake this major project of moving into Acton Reynald Hall I am always impressed by the willingness and help provided by S.V.P. members and many from the Shawbury community. This year our Shakespeare play demanded much of both the older and more established members and new members, many of whom had never performed in a Shakespeare play before.

We started our rehearsals and unfortunately lost some of the original cast and in their place we had some very young actors who filled in the vacancies. As we rehearsed it was a pleasure to watch our new S.V.P. members gaining in confidence and performing to the best of their abilities. The rehearsal schedule demanded cast members attend regularly each week and my thanks go to all who conscientiously attended even when they had only a few lines to deliver!

My thanks go to Chris and Judith Mackley who again kindly opened their home to us both for rehearsals and the performance nights. The ‘set up’ weekend saw the stage, lights and green room established within one day enabling us to rehearse on our stage in preparation for the performances. The ‘take down’ was completed in a morning and many of us were then able to enjoy Sunday lunch together.

To all of you who performed, helped with lights and sound, acted as stage managers, prompted, helped front of house, in the car park and to my right hand man Ben my thanks go to you. You provided enjoyable evenings for all who attended and a memorable performance of ‘The Merry Wives of Windsor’.

My best wishes to you all.

Richard Bray Director / Chair S.V.P.

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